
With smart features and just a couple of clicks, FamConnect ensures the safety of your loved ones.

Contact Info

B1 Leeds Enclave
Airport Road Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India 452005

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How it works

Download the app, create your profile and voilà, you're all set!


Download Application

Download application from App Store and Play Store.


Quick Registration

Simple and Fast Registration using Google and Apple Sign-In.


Make an invite only family group.

Add family and friends in the application using 6 digit code.


Enjoy for Free

Enjoy premium features for free. When you are satisfied join pro membership.

App Features

FamConnect is the only app you need to track your goals for better health.

Effortless Location Tracking

With robust location tracking features that provide real-time updates, make sure your loved ones are where they need to be, safely and on time.

Location History

View an ongoing timeline of your family's recent stops and retrace their steps to ensure not a single detail is missed.

Timed Reminders

Ensure that your loved ones never miss their next tablet or doctor's appointment with seamless timed reminders that provide push notifications.

Background Audio

A loved one not returning your calls? Don't let the anxiety settle in, listen to live background audio.

Listen up

Using Fam Connect's innovative background audio feature, in the event of an emergency, with just one tap you can hear a real-time audio clip from your loved one's phone surroundings. Don't worry about their safety, Fam Connect is here for you.

SOS Response

Fam Connect is at your service, 24/7. Ease your mind, the authorities have it handled with just one tap.

Your Safety in our hands, your privacy in your hands

FamConnect ensures that none of the data collected from you will be sold or given to anyone else, rest easy knowing your privacy is a priority too.