Improvements in healthcare has led to us living much longer. While we should be thankful for it, there are certain challenges the elderly face—challenges that need immediate attention. It’s quite often that we notice the difficulties seniors face only when we start aging ourselves. FamConnect is eager to step in and help.

It needs more from us to help the elderly live happy lives. The elderly need to be given time and attention. Let’s discuss the challenges they face and how we at FamConnect hope to help with an increasingly interactive online presence.

Challenges Faced by Senior Citizens and How FamConnect Can Help

There are certain issues the elderly are burdened with. These issues often isolate them sinking them into anxiety and depression. Let’s see what these challenges are and how FamConnect intends to help through online support and assistance.

·        Financial Crisis

Employment and retirement norms have failed to keep up with people living longer. While many remain fully capable of continuing to work, the age of retirement is yet to be raised. While people live longer, their earnings stop and they are compelled to live off their savings. That makes them financially insecure and vulnerable to scams.

FamConnect plans to build online forums and Facebook groups where help shall be available and advice and information shall be shared on how to manage finances. These online communities shall contain content based on current information helping raise awareness among the elderly.  

·        Isolation and Loneliness

There are certain stereotypes associated with old age. It’s considered that those approaching old age are past their prime and their faculties are therefore declining. Such a mindset prevailing in the society results in the elderly being ignored and neglected by others. It leaves them isolated and lonely.

FamConnect can help by being a community senior citizens can connect with each other on. Our Facebook group could be the ideal platform for the elderly to reach out to their contemporaries and share their feelings on. It could be just the right anecdote to their loneliness.

·        Dementia

Millions of people suffer from cognitive decline as old age sets in. Family members should be able to communicate with their dementia affected loved ones. It involves speaking slowly and clearly while limiting distractions. Soothe the patient with care and affection and break down everyday tasks into simple steps to keep things simple and manageable.

You can reach out to FamConnect on Facebook and connect with us on our online forums for advice and valuable instructions from professionals. Our advice and assistance are sure to help you in providing better care to your loved ones.  

The FamConnect Facebook group and our online forums shall act as communities where the elderly can discuss the issues they face. Reaching out to others also helps fight loneliness, and the depression loneliness causes.

FamConnect aims to establish itself as the go-to community for seniors where they can find not just support but also content on the problems they face and what their solutions could be. Our forums and Facebook groups shall also carry ‘how to guides’ that shall offer assistance on handling certain situations on your own. There’ll also be ‘dos and don’ts’, general information, Q&A, and more. We aim to be the ‘friend, guide, and philosopher’ for our elderly friends.