As the number of nuclear families rise in India, there’s been a change in elderly care in India. The need for home based health care services has risen. Such service provides the convenience of specialized healthcare while removing concerns for ailing elderlies in the family.

Homecare Services and Elderly Care in India

Homecare services for elderly care in India come with trained staff that understands the need of the patients. They help communicate what kind of treatment the concerned person needs to the nursing staff, the hospital personnel and the physicians. Here’s a look at the major homecare services provided.

Nursing Care

Patients recovering from ailments seek the comfort and emotional support their homes can give. This is where in-home nursing services come into the picture. Qualified nurses skilled in wound dressing, medicine administration, baby care, IV therapy, pain management and more offer specialized elderly care in India.

Arranging In-Home Medical Equipment

Frequent check-ups become necessary when someone is afflicted with diabetes, asthma, cancer, arthritis and such long-term illnesses. The dependency of patients with chronic illness on hospitals is much reduced by arranging medical equipment at home.

Senior Home Care Services

As nuclear families rise in number, elderly care in India keeps getting more challenging. Today, there are fewer members in the family to fall back on. Providing the elderly with home care services helps give them personalized attention ensuring their overall wellbeing. Taking professional help makes caring for your elders much easier.

Assisted Living and Elderly Care in India

Aging people face challenges like isolation, limited medical care access, and a dip in attention from the family. Assisted living plays a pivotal role in elderly care in India in such a situation. By providing a safe and supportive environment, they help the elderly to remain independent longer.

There are a range of services one can get from assisted living facilities. Such services could be nursing, medical care, help in socializing, hospitalization during emergencies, round the clock attention and more. They also provide a safe and secure environment where the elderly can remain healthy and connected with their families.

The Family and Elderly Care in India

Despite the rising number of nuclear families, family members are still important to elderly care in India. Taking care of the seniors in a family with compassion is still seen as a good virtue in India. It has been found that an overwhelming majority of Indian seniors prefer living with their families. Intergenerational living in India still survives the push of urbanization. It’s one happy family when the elders are looked after well by the other family members.

Elderly care in India is seeing changes. While families still play a significant role, many are increasingly turning to seeking professional help. With both the husband and the wife working in many families, home care services and assisted living are gradually gaining popularity. Despite that, most seniors continue living with their families and the tradition of intergenerational living survives.

We at FamConnect provide vital help in elderly care in India and around the world. With features like location tracking, SOS response, timed reminders, and background audio, our app offers very effective assistance in looking after seniors.