India is seeing an ever rising trend of urban migration for livelihood. This has caused a steady disintegration of joint families in this South Asian giant. With family members going their own separate ways in search of a livelihood, the elderly have been left in the lurch. This poses a serious challenge to elderly care in India.
With many having to shift base to urban India forced by economic factors, elderly care in India is turning out to be a major cause of worry for those with dependants. On many occasions, senior citizens are having to live on their own, or even worse, they are being abandoned.
Fortunately, many NGOs are helping senior citizens. Government programs are also being launched for their benefit. They can seek help online as well. Let’s look into how each of these, NGOs, government programs and online support are contributing to improving elderly care in India.
NGOs and Elderly Care in India
NGOs are playing an increasingly important role in elderly care in India. Not only are they making sure that the elderly are looked after well in their twilight years, they are also ensuring that the senior citizens live a life of dignity.
Non-Governmental Organizations are making every effort to see to it that senior citizens don’t go hungry and that they live happy and healthy lives. Health camps are organized often and medicines are provided. NGOs in India are doing a commendable job indeed.
Government Programs for Senior Citizens in India
The government is also a major player in elderly care in India with many schemes having been launched to help senior citizens financially. There are schemes aimed at providing healthcare services as well. The Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana provides senior citizens below the poverty line assisted-living devices.
The Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) deserves special mention. It provides poor households social and financial assistance. Such support is extended to widows, the aged and disabled persons. Financial aid is provided during deaths in households where the breadwinner has expired.
Online Support and Elderly Care in India
Rapid internet penetration in India and affordable net connectivity have made an increasing number of elderlies seek online support. Senior citizens can access the National Government Services Portal to avail various services like pension, medical aid, etc. They can even obtain senior citizen certificates online.
The elderly can also use apps to communicate with their families. Many of these apps come with various features that aid messaging, chatting, calling and more. Elderly care in India has been made more efficient today by these apps courtesy of their features like medication reminders, fall alerts, etc.
As economic forces make elderly care in India a growing challenge, NGOs, the government and online portals and apps contribute to making things better for senior citizens. The elderly can live a happy and healthy life with support from NGOs and the many government schemes. They can seek support online as well for a life of dignity.
The FamConnect app is doing its bit at improving the quality of elderly care in India. The app’s handy features like location tracking and timed reminders help you offer better care to your loved ones. FamConnect makes you a better caregiver.